Poll Options

Poll Full Screen
Poll the full screen ( default)

Low Accuracy
Fast scan screen, some small changes can be missed

The Following 4 option are used used to minimize cpu and bandwidth, but give a bad result. Don't use them
Poll Under Cursor
Poll Foreground
Only Poll Console
Only PollOn Event

Poll Options Advanced

Use System hookddl
A system hook is used to give hints to vnc about the changed screen positions. VNC handle the hints before the normal polling to get faster screen updates.
There exist 2 hooks, vnchook and schook, Both use a different method. If both are installed, schook is used else vnchook is used to use pure vnchook, remove the schook.dll from the vnc folder.

Use mirror driver
A mirror driver is a video driver that clone the real video card. The give the exact location of the changed screen rect and allow direct framebuffer access. A mirror driver is a lot faster, but has the disadvantage that it only capture gdi driver commands and can not handle AERO or other accelerated video modes.

Show Primary Secondary
On multiple monitor systems you normal show the primary and use the swicth viewer button to switch between monitors. But when you don't use a ultravnc viewer you don't have the button. To allow to viewer the Secondary or both you can preset the requested monitor.

Max Cpu
VNC try to keep the cpu used by vnc below this value by trhotling the the number of updates.

Remove Aero while connected
Makes vnc faster. The aero effect generate a lot of screen data.

Remove Wallpaper while connected
A wallpaper image compress bad, using a color background is a faster.