
Idle Timeout socket:
 If no data is recv send for X seconds, the socket is disabled. This cause viewer and server to disconnect.  If autoreconnect is enabled, the viewer auto reconnect.

Keepalive Interval:
This keeps the socket open for a long time, even when no data is send/recv.

Idle Timeoutinput:<60 : Viewer go in slow mode after x seconds of inactivity
>=60 viewer close after x time of inactivity even with autoconnect enabled

Query on incoming

A query window is amessagebox that ask permission to take over the control. Youcan select the timout the default action (accept/refuse) on how to act depending on the ip address.

+ =allow
- = deny
? = query
instead of you can use 10.0.60, then it is valid for the full range of ip addresses.

Disable/enable query settings when no user is logged.

QueryTimeout is the time the messagebox is shown.

QueryAccept=0   ( 0=refuse 1=accept  2=refuse)
This popup a timed messagebox to allow the user (server site) to allow/reject an incoming connect.

QuerySetting=4 ([v]Display Query Window set this to 4)
Define on how to react on the (-,?,+) from the Authhosts.
0="+:Accept, ?:Accept, -:Query"
1="+:Accept, ?:Accept, -:Reject"
2="+:Accept, ?:Query, -:Reject [Default]"
3="+:Query, ?:Query, -:Reject"
4="+:Query, ?:Reject, -:Reject"

You manual need to edit the ultravnc.ini if you want another value

If the user is logged on, but has his screensaver on you normal can't get access as "QueryIfNoLogon" find a logged user. To overwrite this set QueryAccept=2 and QueryIfNoLogon=0 -> no messagebox when screen is locked.

accept_reject_mesg (Query Msg)
Custom message shown in the messagebox

Multiple Connections


How to behave when multiple viewer connect, this is a complex parameter as it also depend on the viewer state. The difference between refuse the new connection and refuse all new connections is that it also disconnect share viewer.


What todo when the viewer disconnect
1="lock workstation on disconnect(NA)"
2="logoff on disconnect"