PcHelpware Download

Download PCHelpware Release 1.0

Please read the license before downloading

PCHelpware Release 1.0 - Zip archive

- Server
- Viewer
- Drivers (Windows 2000/XP and Vista)
- PcHelpware repeater
- All needed files to create the self extracting archive

1SCVDLL.dll and 1SCDLL.dll patch for PCHelpware Release 1.0 - Zip archive

- fixes hang on close info box server
- Better compression for B&W and 256 colors (Low/Mid)
- Viewer and server dll need to be replaced to support harder compression, new viewer dll backward compatible with 1.00 server dll

PCHelpware server bin (GUI SC)

- Server (gui SC)
- Files to create self extracting archive

PCHelpware Rel 1.0 sources

- Sources for server GUI
- Sources for server GUI (SC style)
- Sources for Repeater
- Sources for PcHelpware viewer GUI

Please read the license before downloading